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Key Dates
Libra Lunar Eclipse – 25th March 2024 ~ 5 Libra
Aries Solar Eclipse – 8th April 2024 ~ 19 Aries
Mars conjunct Saturn – 10th April ~ 15 Pisces
Jupiter conjunct Uranus – 21st April ~ 22 Taurus
Mercury Retrograde in Aries – 1st April – 25th April 2024 ~ 27 – 16 Aries
Eclipse Season Themes will be Influential throughout April!
April is an intense, ever-changing month astrologically, with some significant occurrences in the sky.
Eclipses happen in pairs, and the time span between them occurring is called eclipse season. This spring eclipse season started on 25th March with a south node lunar eclipse in Libra and ends on 8th April with a north node solar eclipse in Aries. But as this spring eclipse season goes hand in hand with a Mars-Saturn conjunction, a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction & Mercury retrograde, the influence of the eclipse energies continues throughout April 2024.
Overall during April it may well feel like everything is up in the air, unpredictable, emotional, challenging, but in an exciting way!
Simply put, all of us, along with the world we live in, are in a process of change & transformation. Physically, emotionally & spiritually we are aligning with a spiritual awakening. As one of the notable themes of eclipse season is that while the Aries solar eclipse is offering up bold, vibrant new chapters in life, at first we have some soul-searching to do, as this eclipse is also conjunct minor planet Chiron, who in mythology is known as being the “wounded healer”.
Aries Solar Eclipse ~ Libra Lunar Eclipse
The key themes that emerge with these spring eclipses across taking place across the Aries – Libra axis is our relationship with ourselves, others, life & our spiritual path.
Chiron ~ Courage to face our fears
At the Aries solar eclipse, Chiron’s rhythmical, healing flow of hoofbeats are potent. Chiron, was a centaur, half-man and half-horse, who magically and masterfully united his animal instincts & intuition with his human intellect. Chiron was renowned for his wisdom as a healer & teacher, and is symbolic of the link between mind, body & soul, and the earth & the sky. In essence, Chiron helps us to learn & grow from our vulnerabilities & fears, and encourages us to resolve difficulties by utilising what we have learnt.
In the sky, Chiron orbits between Saturn & Uranus. Chiron is the doorway, the link, between the past (Saturn) & the future (Uranus), and can assist us to bring the sudden aha-moments, the new ideas & ways of doing things inspired by Uranus into physical reality (Saturn).
And thus with the Aries solar eclipse conjunct Chiron, the story line or chain of events unfolding are likely to revolve around issues that have hurt us or where we doubt ourselves, & how we could possibly do things differently. A turning point if you like, where we can potentially take the initiative and decide to make changes, to follow a new direction in life that is heartfelt & feels more in harmony with our inner truth.
What comes up could be both on a personal & collective level. Involve our own individual struggles along with having our eyes opened further to the heartlessness & hostility at work in the world. How humanities wounds, our collective pain around past and current injustices tug at our heartstrings.
Lunar Eclipse in Libra
Libra is a sign concerned with how we relate to others, Libra strives for peace & equality, fairness & justice, harmony & beauty. So we will perhaps find ourselves contemplating how we interpret & make sense of these themes in our own lives.
Libra puts the spotlight on our relationships, Aries on our individual goals. So, as lunar eclipses align with conclusions & outcomes and solar eclipses new opportunities & beginnings, we can anticipate that in one way or another we will be giving attention to new ways of being & doing our own thing and new ways of working together with others.
At the time of the lunar eclipse Venus, ruler of Libra was in Pisces where she is exalted. Putting us in touch with a deeper appreciation of, and compassion for others, along with a sensitivity to the beauty in the world. Which will help us to suss out what is needed to be let go off and what is of value ahead.
This points out that new relationship structures are a likely outcome, as we clarify what we desire to have in our relationships & what we will no longer tolerate. How to establish supportive, mutually beneficial relationships & co-exist with others we are at odds with. Relationships could end, begin or be renegotiated & start a new chapter due to a desire to heal any disharmony. Alongside, we may also be determining what inspires us personally, where do we wish to direct our creativity & energy?
And whilst the planetary line up suggests this could be quite an emotional eclipse season with perhaps what has been painful, or caused us to be fearful coming to the surface; all in all this is so as to assist us to discover ways to make peace with our challenges & liberate us from anything that has held us back.
Chiron ~ Unlocking the door to wisdom
Suffering is an inescapable part of life, it is by nature entwined within it. And, whilst by choice we prefer to avoid pain & heartache, it is inevitable that in one way or another, we will encounter sorrow. To our soul it is when we are in crisis that we completely, wholeheartedly open up. We are at that moment our most vulnerable, fragile, and feel all alone & lost, and it is within this turmoil of emotion & distress that we can truly awaken to new insights & higher truths.
It is through our struggles that we grow & evolve, as we have to dig deep to ride out the storms. And by doing so we come to meet other, previously unknown parts of ourselves, and bring to light the valuable lessons our soul is patiently, always encouraging us to uncover.
Chiron’s symbol is a key, and he guides & supports us to unlock our inner pain & blocks, to bring them to conscious awareness so that we can acquire the wisdom wrapped up inside them. Chiron helps us to see that our pain is actually a gift that can ultimately strengthen & empower us. How the lessons we learn can open our eyes to discovering self-acceptance & self-compassion for our flaws & vulnerabilities. And from then on, this greater self-awareness enables us to make inner adjustments to integrate all these insights and feel more complete & capable.
Let go & flow
It is always a good idea during any eclipse season to let events unfold, and not make any rash decisions. Linking together with this, as Mars-Saturn & Jupiter-Uranus are also entering into the picture, we may experience some tension & frustration. This is because the energies brewing & taking shape are liable to see us sense a need for change and a desire for action, which could result in us seeming to make progress then encounter some setbacks.
And with Mercury also retrograde in Aries, this accentuates that exactly what is being set in motion or fading away in life will likely take time to fully come to light and for us to process.
Altogether, the current celestial dance underway in the sky enhances & extends the influence of the eclipse energies, and from now until the end of April we need to try & go easy on ourselves & each other. We are all experiencing these energies and seeking to apply ourselves to the task of taking steps forward on an inner & outer level. As we endeavour to uncover what we need to be aware of & take in about ourselves, along with reflecting on the present state of the world, before we can fully align with our goals & insights from a place of clarity.
Eclipses ~ Illumination is Interrupted
Eclipses occur when the Sun, Moon & Earth align with the Moon’s nodes, as it is the presence of the nodes that dictate where eclipses will take place. This is because the nodes are the point where the Moon, as she journeys around the zodiac crosses the ecliptic, which is the Earth’s path around the Sun; and thus it is at these moments of alignment that the Moon can block the light of the Sun resulting in a solar eclipse, & Earth can block the illumination of the Sun from the Moon bringing about a lunar eclipse.
The Nodes of the Moon
The nodes are highly significant, and illustrative of themes involving fate, destiny, karma, the mysteriousness of life itself & the higher spiritual realms beyond the Earth planes. There is so much we don’t know or understand about life, but by contemplating what is taking place in the sky during eclipses we can sense how influential they are for us collectively & personally, especially if they notably touch our birth chart.
The two luminaries, the Sun & the Moon are the most visible celestial bodies in the sky. Both are vital and essential to life & our survival on Earth, and they are inextricably linked as illustrated by the lunar cycle which shows the relationship between the Sun & Moon, as the Moon dances around the entire zodiac in 27.5 days and meets up with the Sun at each New Moon roughly every 29.5 days. Astrologically the Sun symbolises our sense of self & our self-expression and the Moon our emotions & instincts, how we act (Sun) & react (Moon).
Eclipses ~ Guidance from the Spiritual World to the Physical World
At a solar eclipse the Moon passes in front of the Sun, cutting off the illumination & warmth beamed out by the Sun. At a lunar eclipse the Earth blocks the light of the Sun from reaching the Moon, leaving her dark & veiled.
Eclipses obstruct & disturb the energies of the Sun & Moon, which means they have the capability to stir things up for us on a physical, emotional & soul level. What is more, is that the nodes presence & involvement at eclipses signify that they are aligned with a divine, universal force more powerful than the Sun or Moon who are crucial to our existence & ability to live on the Earth.
Eclipses ~ The Conscious & the Unconscious Realms
At a solar eclipse the Moon dims and blocks the Sun, and our inner world, our unconscious – our instincts & intuition (Moon) – take precedence over our external world, our conscious thoughts & actions (Sun).
At a lunar eclipse the earth blocks the illumination of the Sun from the Moon, and our inner world (Moon), our emotions & fears that we usually consciously (Sun) conceal can potentially rise to the surface.
Eclipses bring the invisible into visibility. Whatever has been dwelling in the darkness of our unconscious mind will come to light, will come into our conscious awareness.
The Darkness & the Light
Eclipses bring about the darkness within which something is brewing behind the veil between this world & the spiritual world. And whatever is concealed, what we can’t as yet see or understand, will at the right moment surface into the light and our conscious realisation.
Which means eclipse season can be disorientating, as our vision is obscured and we can’t fully make out what is ahead.
That is why the general advice during eclipse season is to just let events unfold, try to flow with them & delay any big decisions if possible.
How Eclipses Light the way from the Past to the Future
During eclipse season we enter a significant, powerful time span when the past, present & future cross paths. A time when divine, spiritual, universal forces step in to nudge us onto our fated, destined path ahead. And by nature bolts from the blue are unexpected, & so what takes place can happen rapidly & be action-packed. This is why on our journey through life, during eclipse seasons we may at times have the impression of feeling like a passenger, instead of the driver, as our fate, plans & desires for this lifetime – our souls plan – enters into the picture.
Eclipses to our birth chart are linked with the big, meaningful happenings in our lives. Eclipses indicate where a chapter in our lives is ending, changing or beginning, essentially what issues are under the spotlight for us. We may welcome these changes or encounter them as shocking & chaotic. As for something new to be created & manifest in life an old scenario or pattern of behaviour is going to be disrupted & ultimately dismantled. But all in all, these twists of fate instigate us on the way towards our destiny – what our soul wishes to experience & learn about in this lifetime.
Life is without doubt a gift, and eclipses are a gift from the divine, from the universe, to help guide us towards our destiny.
And, within the bounds of destiny we also have room to manoeuvre. As although we are guided towards our destiny we could be offered an opportunity that we turn down or ignore. However, our soul wishes us to broaden our horizons, to choose our best path forwards from this moment in time, not to stay stuck or repeat past mistakes.
Solar Eclipse in Fiery Aries ~ Igniting our inner fire!
And the north node solar eclipse in Aries unites to initiate a hunger for attainment, to go all out after our goals, is bringing us courage to take the initiative. To be bold & follow our passion, whatever it is that ignites our inner fire!
Aries as the 1st sign of the zodiac, correlates with spring, and the awakening of an invigorating force that generates momentum. Energy that initiates and pushes forwards new life – a fresh beginning. Aries is characterised by pioneers & conquerors, and is associated with asserting individual will through brave, daring action.
Solar Eclipse Chart

Mars conjunct Saturn in Pisces ~ 10th April
Mars is the ruler of Aries, and thus lord of the eclipse. And Mars will be exactly conjunct Saturn on 10th April, which means that Mars & Saturn are a notable influence on the eclipse energies. Traditionally, Mars-Saturn can be difficult, as it can bring challenges & responsibilities.
Mars is all about action, he loves to instigate. Mars is strong-willed, assertive & competitive, he has boundless energy, drive & enthusiasm.
Saturn’s expertise is teaching us the lessons we are required to learn, which he does by the means of obstacles & delays appearing in our path or through our own inner fears. Saturn guides us to use our time wisely, to analyse our ideas, words & actions. To understand the necessity of planning & organisation, discipline & commitment. If we do so, Saturn rewards us with the inner wisdom gained & outer recognition attained from overcoming any barriers to success we encounter.
So when Mars & Saturn come together it can be hurry up, let’s go! .. No, stop, wait! Progress & setbacks. But equally, it can bring resilience & determination, leading to a dedicated, all-out effort to achieve something worthwhile.
In Pisces, a spiritual & deeply emotional sign, Mars is the spiritual warrior. So this conjunction is illustrating that any action we take now may well be driven by the power of emotion. Arise from compassion, selflessness & kindness when we notice where we can be of help to others. And urge us to pursue our own spiritual path, towards enhancing our understanding & insight into how to heal ourselves & forgive others.
Pisces is also creative & idealistic. Which means that our dreams, creative ideas & idealistic visions are on the verge of surfacing, ready to be captured & pursued (Mars) & brought to life, into reality (Saturn).
Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus ~ 21st April
This is the start of a new Jupiter-Uranus cycle in earth sign Taurus, which will be exact on 21st April, but is already in orb (in effect) now. Without doubt this energy means change is inevitable. And makes us perhaps aware of feeling simultaneously excited & unsettled about the shifts ahead, but equally anticipating & ready for them.
Eclipse energy by nature is unpredictable, and Jupiter-Uranus magnifies this energy. Uranus correlates with surprises, innovation, breakthroughs & rebellion and Jupiter expands this. Which means that eclipse events are liable to feature some twists & turns that we wouldn’t possibly have even imagined!
What is likely is us discovering new thoughts, ideas & visions of life. A higher perspective that leads us to insight & inspiration, new opportunities & motivations.
On a collective level, about the Jupiter-Uranus cycle it says in Mundane Astrology;
” About 14 years long, this cycle appears to be very much to do with the growth of human consciousness, and the purposeful extension and transcendence of horizons. It combines aspiration and effort and as such relates to the possibilities of progress and furthering the evolution of man. It encourages a perception of deeper potentialities, poses questions, opens up opportunities. It encourages a growth of the Promethean spirit of rebellion and self-will, and a spirit of individual and collective optimism and enterprise.”
Mercury Retrograde ~ 1st – 25th April
What is clear is that the energies at work are diverse, and will be pushing us one way, then pulling us back another. By having awareness of the ever-changing nature of this time, we are then better able to flow with it. Mercury being retrograde illuminates that whilst we are maybe feeling a driving force to get started on pursuing our goals, we are still in a process of clarifying them! And the potential delays & hitches Mercury retrograde delivers will help us uncover exactly what our goals are, by encouraging us to unravel and then pull all the threads back together.
Brings us recognition that it is going to take time to fully reveal & come to terms with our inner struggles, around the hardships we have faced in life along with our heartaches, vulnerabilities & flaws (Chiron). That we are being guided towards action that is going to support us & help us heal, spiritually illuminate us & creatively inspire us (Mars in Pisces) and brakes (Saturn) will be applied if necessary to steer us onto the correct path.
Allows us to take into account that overcoming our fears & challenges may take time, effort and determination. However, this will perhaps lead us to see the priceless gift in what our struggles have taught us, the valuable lessons we have learnt through our pain that have shown us the way to evolve & heal (Chiron) & to the new visions & opportunities presented by Jupiter-Uranus.
The key dates here where we may expect some revelations or breakthroughs are 12th April when Mercury is conjunct the Sun (Mercury Cazimi – a magical moment when illuminating insights can arrive!), 19th April when Mars is sextile Jupiter-Uranus & when Mercury is conjunct Chiron – 15th April (retrograde) & 7th May (direct).
What we can do
Physically, mentally & emotionally this may be draining. So make sure to rest!
Journal your goals & fears. Meditate on them. What are your dreams? & what is stopping you from following them?
Expect delays & try to avoid any major decisions.
When you meet a block, look for the guidance it is illuminating.
Anticipate that unexpected, surprising things may occur!
In conclusion
Possibly, hopefully, this is the seeds of a new consciousness, that we are all connected to everything else and that we need to create positive change. An ever increasing spiritual awareness as we recognise we can’t stay stuck where we are, and seek the love & guidance of spirit to help us heal old wounds & move forwards with a greater understanding of how beautiful life can be & how benevolent the world could be.